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    Finance and Banking Security Cards Finance and Banking Security Cards Finance and Banking Security Cards
    Industries | Finance

    Finance and Banking Security Cards

    • EMV Certified Encoding
    • Ribbon and bank card security with physical hopper lock
    • Integration with EMV Perso Software

    Employee ID

    Issue employee ID badges to offer customers convenience and for further verification of personnel IDs that enter critical zones. Link badges to other applications or platforms for improved identification.

    Debit and Credit Card

    Instant issuance of highly secure debit and credit cards to enhance customer service and reduce operational costs or risks.

    Logical Access Cards

    Create cards specialized for the protection of confidential information against external threats. Authorize access to cardholders with an option to integrate with a multi-layer secure platform.

    Membership Identification

    Customer identity card printing for emerging market customers to activate banking services. This card provides identity verification for access to customer information and to eliminate fraud.

    Physical Access Control

    On-demand cards as a security measurement to restrict people from entering unauthorized areas. It is also another way to identify visitors and control their movement around the premises.

    Vehicle Access Control

    Vehicle permit issuance to identify and monitor entry into the premise and restrict unauthorized access.

    Time Attendance

    Attendance card issuance to monitor sign-in and sign-out activity in financial institutions. They can be linked to the banking system, requiring sign-in for further attendance validation.

    Card Applications

    Read this article to see how these cards are benefiting others.

    Debit, credit, and prepaid cards are the key drivers of financial institutions yet are equally at high risk of fraudulent activities...