Cleaning Kits
Plastic card printing requires routine cleaning considering that cards can have a high static charge which can attract dust and dirt. Card printers need to be maintained for performance reliability. The cleaning cards will safely and easily remove dirt and other contaminants from within the printer without costly outside assistance. Every card printer requires specific cleaning products to be used as preventive or corrective maintenance.
Heidi offers a full suite of cleaning supplies that increase the lifespan of your card printer and improve performance.
Benefits of using cleaning supplies include:
- Optimize printer performance.
- Prevent downtime caused by mishandled cards.
- Moderate printhead damages.
Features and Benefits

Cleaning Pen Kit
- It removes the dirt and contamination build-up on thermal printheads.
- Clean burnt-on debris from thermal printheads.
- Extend the life of the printhead and maintain a clear crisp image.

Cleaning Swab Kit
- It can be used to clean printheads, card path, guides and rollers. Swab stems contain a cleaning solution that safely removes contaminants.
- Clean the thermal printhead, platen roller and interior components.

Long Sleeve Cleaning Card Kit
- With the Heidi Automatic Cleaning feature (accessible through the printer’s Control Panel), the printer’s rollers and card movement path will be thoroughly cleaned.
- We recommend running the cleaning procedure after each 1,000 printing jobs.